The CapX Flies Again

The CapX  I designed many many years ago flew again yesterday
at Etampes Airport (South of Paris).
First protoype engine was MB 4-80, too new, replaced by a Lyco 0235.
It was registred as F-WZCG, as prototype. I have flown it many times.
Auguste [Mudry] called it: "Avion amiral", means "navette" ["shuttle bus"]
We used to fly it between Beynes [design bureau] and Bernay [CAP Factory]
everyday with engineers, drawings, and so on. It has been restored,
as amateur built, and flies now with a Conti. O-200 and some minor changes
(canopy, nose gear and so on..), with a new registration.
- Jean-Marie Klinka, June 7, 2017

The CapX Prototype, Mudry Factory, Bernay, France, 1975

June 9, 2017

Stay tuned for more information when available.

  Updated June 8, 2017
